How To Be Grateful For People You Don’t Like
Gratitude is the foundation of abundance. It is the cornerstone of living a purposeful, rewarding, joy-filled life. Gratitude activates the positive Law of Attraction vibrations. If there are people…
Gratitude is the foundation of abundance. It is the cornerstone of living a purposeful, rewarding, joy-filled life. Gratitude activates the positive Law of Attraction vibrations. If there are people…
Are you having trouble staying in a positive state of mind when challenging circumstances present themselves? The Universal Laws state: so without, so within. Everything is a mirror. We cannot…
Laughter can lead me to deep meditation? I never imagined such a thing was possible. As a child I longed to laugh, giggle and be funny but this was frowned…
“This was an exceptional training! One of the very best I have attended. I can now get started with the huge advantage of tremendous self-confidence. Thank you very much for your outstanding input.”
Debra Norwood – Memphis, Tennessee
This training was my first meditation experience, and it opened doors for me to discover my real, authentic self. I particularly liked the dancing and laughter meditations. As a result, I am more calm, confident, and creative. I really like myself now. The training has made a profound difference in my life, and I look forward to continuing this journey with joy and celebration.
Elena Benson, RN, CLM – Monrovia California
“Through this training, learning the expressive meditations, and working with Pragito individually, I have taken control of my health and life. I have discovered that listening to the wisdom of my heart helps me make better decisions. It is much easier now for me to raise my children with love, laughter, and wisdom. My whole family has benefited.”
Ronda still, LMC – Augusta Georgia
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